PeopleSoft Weekly Issue #74 – 19th March 2014

Issue #74 – 19th March 2014


Oracle Open World call for Papers 
The Call for Proposals for Oracle OpenWorld 2014 is now open. Oracle OpenWorld 2014 is to be held from 28th September to 2nd October in San Francisco, California.


A Handy Interface Questionnaire
Are you responsible for specifying interfaces as part of your implementation? If so, Animato’s Questionnaire could be useful. It contains many of the questions that should be asked when gathering requirements (although it doesn’t go into specifics about the data itself).


Syncing Password History between Environments
Jeromy McMahon has posted a quick how-to for syncing Password History between environments, but the same theory could be applied to many similar requirements.
Dates in PeopleSoft BI Publisher Reports 
XML publisher uses the coordinated universal time (UTC) to display dates and times in report output. Depending on where you are in the world, this can throw out dates and times in your report. The Citagus blog shows how you can quickly convert dates/times to the correct local time.


Big Consulting versus PeopleSoft Experts
Jeff Goddard from BTR Group discusses the differences between the type of consulting offered by the large consulting firms versus smaller ‘expert’ consultancies. His point is that “Big consulting relies on executive relationships as a substitute for content expertise” and that the days of relying on not getting fired by buying from the big firms are fading.
My Answer to the “Work-Life Balance” Question
Tech Entrepreneur/Speaker/Coach Lauren Bacon tackles the topic that most of us wrestle at some point or other – that of work-life balance. Her theory is that it isn’t just a linear scale, but there are two important axis to consider, forming a ‘balance matrix’.
Google Announces Android Wear, Its Plan for the Smartwatch 
Google is taking a serious look at the smart-watch market with the announcement of its Android Wear platform. Early prototypes look visually impressive, if a little chunky. This isn’t just an alpha build though, as lots of partners have signed up to produce the watches. The first is expected to be from LG in Q2 this year.


Follow 1000 years of European borders change
An engrossing 3 minute video clearly showing the ebb and flow of European power over the centuries. It’s really interesting to see how old some nations are, and how recently others have sprung up.


Marc Weintraub continues his series of interviewing high profile people within Oracle. This time he talks to Mark Armstrong (VP, Oracle Higher Education Development) about the recent announcements – PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 and Oracle Student Cloud.

and Finally…

With all the recent excitement about The Lego Movie, we read this article with interest. Being a Lego Master Builder is actually a genuine career option for those with a passion for everyone’s favourite building blocks. Even if you don’t reach these heady heights (there are only 40 in the world) you can still become a Lego Certified Professional (of which there are 12 worldwide) or a freelance Lego ambassador.
Last week we featured the engrossing Mini Metro game and promised a mention to the person with the highest score. The best we’ve heard of so far is Succeed’s own Dave Wiggins with 714. Can it be beaten?

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